Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Evening Dews .....Reflection of Time

Well, evening drizzles are often in Malacca this time around. And I'm sitting here by my bed-side typing my recollection for the week. Today was my mid-term again (mergers & acquisitions). Its been a week of tense-filled hours for me; an awesome part of my time is on the computer, scouring through tons of online journals and spending late-nights revising my mid-terms. I'd to cut down on my FB activities, lol. Luckily, today's the last of my midterms (so glad....finally can start cracking on my long-delayed FYP). Hopefully, I can finish all 3 tasks before end of next week. Impossible feat? I myself don't know yet, haha.
The evening drizzles cool down the air around. So, its been a blessing in disguise despite the wet situations (almost daily alredy). Today also conducted a fruitful meeting. It was so detailed that my group members and me spend 1.5 hours juz on it. Hope it bears good fruits later on. Rite, its time to end this post here. Cya.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Times of Rush, Hustle & Wonders

Its that time again when I will be having mid-terms soon. The nearest is 2 days away and imagine that I am still here jotting away (actually taking some time of my mind...haha). Well, its already 3rd week in my new trimester. No doubt its been a little 'trying' in my efforts to re-adapt to uni life once more after Industrial Training. Coupled with 2 assignments and a taxing FYP (wished I listened to my supervisor when he told me to finish it early), times had been dedicated to them without a balanced schedule of work and play. Much has changed in the personality of those around me. It could be seemed that many had already become more 'serious' and not as jovial as before the training. Perhaps the 4-months-plus stint made a huge impact on all of us (food-for-thought). Classes are on as usual, though at times can be rather 'dry'. Nonetheless, it seems everyone is paying a great deal of effort to listen to those lectures (Delta year students perhap ?). Assignments can be rather 'conflicting' at times due to differences in ideas but I guessed that what doing assignments all about. Apart from that, it sure is nice to mingle around friends and finding the opportunity to share our stories with each other .... rite, best of luck to my friends in the Mid-Terms ...

Monday, October 26, 2009

A continued journey ....

Well, it's my first day to uni again to study after some 5 months ....(sure is weird.... i was akward to be finally studying again after so long= reminiscence during the time before i went to form6).
It was a nice feeling however, to meet my friends and colleagues after some time. I was amazed also at my supervisor for being so facilitative towards my FYP (thank you). Today's class on credit management breathed a new inspiration to me. It was surprising that within such short lecture notes, were so many underlying details just waiting to be explained. Formed my new team today for that subject (work hard everyone). Just can't wait to get started on my much delayed works.

p/s : haha ... I recommend some good dramas to watch ...Terms of Endearment & Goodbye Solo.

Ok ...gotta finish off my pasta first ...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Final Day Work : An Industrial Training Epilogue

To begin with, its my last day at work yesterday. The atmosphere around me there was calm although I could feel that my collegues were secretly whispering amongst themselves (well, I've got a good feeling what they were whispering about). Much earlier on, my employer (the kindest one I've ever worked with) treated us to a decent lunch. Credit to him for being thoughtful.
My final days at work were amazing. I've been doing recording of at least 1500 transactions in about 7 hours or so. (Haha) It was a great rush but I seemed to have been 'immuned' to it. All of that begun on Monday; I was rushing to complete the task entrusted to me before I leave the premise. I took extra attention to that; hence my headache. The about-to-leave feeling was hard on me, as I've begun to adapt to my office life. Flashback 4-months ago, I went to work because it was a pre-requisite to pass my papers. But, later on I begun to accept this practice as something I would usually do (that's my best explanation).
Yesterday morning, I was busy taking pictures with colleagues and supervisor. Too bad my employer was away (sigh). But it didn't matter as the rest were very keen to be photographed with me (thx thx). My supervisor took sometime off to have some chit-chatting with me (recollecting what I've learned thus far). I enjoyed that conversation; only regret that it was so short. As I packed up my stuffs to return home, my colleagues gave me some good advices and wishes (packed together with a box of delightful mooncake-like cookies). I am grateful for their gesture. My best part of the story was my employer rewarded me with some extra incentives and a certificate of employee recommendation. I didn't thought that I would received that. Hence on, I went on home with an emotional-charged feeling. It was a wonderful experience. I was glad that I've chosen this place to work. Thanks to everyone who supported me through it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Random Thoughts

Been to write for sometime & finally have the chance to do so. Well, there's nothing much going on, just my industrial training & my nightlife on FB. My colleagues and friends have been putting on a 'countdown' for our industrial training tenure. Honestly, I myself am also looking forward to it as well. Of late, my daily lunches have been the typical fare. If today I had chicken rice, tomorrow I'll have mee and noodles the next next day. I guessed its okay for me to say that I have 'depleted' the menu of food near my working premise. Haha.

p/s : looking forward to see G-Force soon ....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Akward Moments @ Work

(Hahaha....I was still feeling akward when I wrote this) Well, as usual, I went to work today (my industrial training to be exact). But the weirdest thing was that all of the sudden, the button to my Blue Denim pants gave way (opppsss). Having experienced that, I was reluctant (restricted actually) to move around much. Imagine how careful I was walking around (haha). But, I was grateful it was a good pant. Anyway, apart from that, I was also very lucky as although I did some mistakes at work, my supervisor was not a bit angry with me, but further showed the technical processes of doing it right. I was impressed by that, really. And what made me even happier was that my boss was friendly to me. One word to this. Impress. Perhaps, its things like this that cheers ppl up. Great Tuesday.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy B'day Mom

Yeah's another Sunday nite but tonite was a momentous nite as my brothers and I treated our mom to a lovely fare of dishes for her upcoming b'day . We decided to do it at Bei Zhan as it was a classic background for such an occasion. Indeed, we enjoyed ourselves to the food there (haha.... i loved the fish was perfectly boiled to perfection). I won't delved into much detail about d food ( haha ... ). In short, we had a swell time .....once again, happy b'day mom...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Food 4 Thought

As I listened to the fruitful lecture just now, I was so immersed in it that I did not even move for some 25 minutes, though I didn't really understood part of it as it was a tri-lingual affair. But nonetheless, I was awed at what I heard as it clearly depicted myself. I was reminded that we must be able to acknowledge our weaknesses in order for it to be our strength. Moreover, one must always be community-centered and be proud of who he is. It was an interesting moment to have heard all of these. Glad to have heard it.

An Intention-Less Post

Been wanting to write here for some while d but was too caught up in my daily work. Hmmm... guessed, its juz another excuse ( usual). Anyway, sleeping has been my 'favourite' hobby of late (dunno y - lazy perhaps) ..... well, d job i'm doing for my training requires me to be in front of my computer throughout the day at times (mentally tired ..... i welcome any remedies) ....well, like i said, this post is juz another post without any purpose (juz feel like scribbling it here...hehe)....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sebutir Pengalaman Biasa

Tatkala aku merenung ke dalam kekosongan,
Di antara rakan-rakan sekerjaku,
Yang sedang sibuk berbual bicara,
Pada ketika kami berehat dari limpahan kerja,
Aku tidak lagi terasa asing,
Tidak lagi,
Setelah sekian lama;
Aku mengukir senyuman ikhlas ketika disapa,
Senyuman dibalas dengan gelak tawa,
Mereka yang telah biasa dengan kehidupan sebegitu;
Ingatan yang sebegitu asli,
Teringinku mengabadikannya.

Aku dengan tenangnya,
Memilih tempat di antara rakan,
Aku bersila lalu memulakan perjalanan mindaku sekali lagi,
Mata penaku,
Ku izinkannya menari di atas hamparan kertas kosong,
Tariannya membuahkan suatu corak kehidupan yang abstrak,
Yang sememangnya menggambarkan watak diriku;
Aku sudah terlalu biasa memencilkan diriku,
walaupun di antara kawan,
mereka tidak pernah menyedarinya,
sememangnya aku tidak kebosanan,
sebab memang hendak aku sedemikian;

Pada masa aku tidak berbuat apa,
Terasa aman dan tenang pula pada ketika itu,
Dan dalam ketenangan itu,
Aku gemar membiarkan mindaku berfantasi,
Membayangkan sesuatu yang mustahil di alam nyata.

Begitulah kerjaku di waktu rehatku,
Tatkala aku berada di latihan praktikal industriku.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Definition of Memory

Its strange for me to pen this down actually .... and I didn't just wrote it from nothing . Now, here's something that I would to share with my friends; something which I wrote half a decade ago, back when I was still in high school.

And it goes like this .................

Memories thrive in the space of our mind and they remind us of the deeds and actions that we have done. They exist in a very simple manner but yet, they do not fade away as easy as that. Sweet ones make us laugh and brightens our days but bitter ones torments the conscious mind with flashes of unpleasant thoughts.
So, what is the meaning of memory ? Well, to me, it is a collection of thoughts that are derived from our actions which will in time, act as reminders of the past. Memories, irrespective of time and views, help to nurture of mental and emotional growth to make us more mature and responsible in life. That is why I believed that in order to achieve a high level of satisfaction in life, we must embrace all sorts of memory and utilise them to push us to do better.
Memories act as an impenetratable border between the past and the present. They allow us to feel younger again as in the past when we immersed ourselves in our thoughts; reminding us of our past actions that have affected our present lives. They grant us a chance to reflect on our past and uniquely, offer us imaginary thoughts to the other possible outcomes should we had attempted other choices which we did not took in the past. They allow us to appreciate and evaluate our actions so that we can learn and improve ourselves as not to humiliate ourselves in the future by the same manner.
They can be revived in many ways such as through a similiar action that had taken place then and is again happening now. They can be triggered by the conscious mind and also in dreams when we encountered similiar events that resemble the past. By looking at certain articles and stuffs, we can also be reminded of them.
I bet all of us have many varied experiences when it comes to this issue. Fond memories are the ones which we would like to keep fresh and if possible, immortalize them.They fill our time by allowing us to shut our eyes and relive our happy times again or even change the outcomes mentally according to our likings. They at times, can help to eradicate feelings of loneliness and thus, alleviate stress and unnecessary worries.
Needless to mention of the negative ones. They provoke thoughts that tend to weaken our emotions and instil fear in us. They took their time in the past but yet they return to remind us of our failures and shortcomings. They darken our days and make us vulnerable to emotional breakdowns if not handled properly.
I have always been a staunch supporter of the motion that memories are very easy to form but they are very hard to erase. Thus, we should by all effort, distance ourselves from negative issues which might bring about all of these. As for me, memories come about in many but strange ways. But I believed that if properly utilized, they can serve as great mentors and motivators when we are in distress........................................

(adapted from my articles in high school)

Friday, July 3, 2009

1st & Last - IT exp

Pictures do speak a thousand words, say many. And I couldn't agree more. Sigh... having through one whole month of industrial training at my working place (taxation firm), I've actually gotten used to the place already. Working with numbers daily; from computing this to that and toying with softwares all related to numbers. I was so contended with what I was doing.
I was accompanied by 3 others like me during my first month at there. But they left my working place just days ago; one to pursue her studies, one just finished his IT and another looking for a job. My employer treated us to a 6-course meal at HIKENG to show appreciation to those 3 persons. We enjoyed that well. These guys were really cooperative with me, which helped me blend in so quickly to my new working life. Guys, I really appreciate it and will of course, miss your absence from our working place. It has been a little dull (haha). Anyway, I wish the best for you guys. Cya.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dengusan Hati Sewaktu Gerimis Senja

(nyata) Sudah agak lama sebenarnya aku tidak bertulis demikian. Hendak dibuat tapi hati tidak bersungguh-sungguh sehingga kini (Lawak... kerana aku ada masa untuk bermain tapi mengadu tiada masa untuk benda sebegini).
Sudah 17 hari aku bertungkus-lumus untuk Praktikal Industri aku yang wajib dilaksanakan. Secara jujurnya, memang penat tapi bukan lelah badan, cuma otak yang 'penat' (haha). Rasanya, sudah biasa sekarang . Tiap-tiap hari 9am-5pm, sudah menjadi lumrah hidupku buat masa kini . Peliknya cuma satu. Terasa rindu pula kat MMU (haha....entah le ).

(refleksi) Saban hari, aku sering memikirkan hal terdahulu. Pernah aku terdengar satu frasa yang berbunyi "Biar masa padamkan segalanya yang mengganggu fikiranmu" . Pada masa itu, aku terasa pelik dan tidak faham akannya. Aku ragu. Namun, kini aku mulai faham apa yang dimaksudkan dengan frasa tersebut. Memang benar jika masa dibenarkan untuk berlalu, segala yang pahit akan mulai pudar. Begitulah pengalamanku pada satu ketika dulu bila aku kehilangan sesuatu pegangan yang amatku hargai. Terasa amat pilu ketika itu; namun kini, perasaan tersebut tidaklah sekuat dahulu lagi . Aku masih terkenang sekali-sekala, cuma tidak lagi terpengaruh olehnya. Aku tetap boleh merasa impaknya yang kuat terhadap personaliti diriku . Haha . Demikianlah suatu cetera yang jarang diutarakan oleh aku.

(nyata) Haiz .... tidak sabar aku menunggu ketibaan trimester kedua 09/10 untuk aku pulang ke MMU . Sekian.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Juz another Saturday ....

Today is just like any ordinary weekend (there weren't much to do coz many of my mates r on IT practices). Oh well, guessed I'd just stayed at home till afternoon, where I caught up wit my junior on old times. I enjoyed that part of chit-chatting (oh yeah, do enjoy ur holidays if ur reading this). Later on while delivering some stuffs to Melaka Raya, I got stucked in massive-slowed traffic jam. And tonite need to tutor some kids for their exams. I do hope I'm in d mood. Haha.....

Friday, June 5, 2009

My first week of Internship

At last, its been a week d ...haha....b4 this first week of IT, i was so darn anxious but now it seems like a normal thing to do daily d ....
Well, each day for d past 5 days, i woke up later & later (at first 6am...then 6.15am,6.45am,7.15am & today haha.....7.50am) ... getting 'accustomed' d i guessed.
But getting up early each day was kinda usual d, juz that i'll b quite hungry (oh well, gotta eat well coz i deal wit numbers muz focus). Day after day, i browse thru' accounts. My employer is a seasoned auditor (i juz found out her dad is a better accountant ....walao runs in her family). I'm grateful to be under her tutorship. Hope can learn much from her.
Here's wat i did for d past few days :
a) checking & typing using Excel functions for statement of capital allowance, tax computation, balance sheet & also Trading,profit and loss statements
b) learn taxation terms
c) getting used to d format for preparing tax papers
d) getting used to LHDN forms (so lucky supervisor can teach me)
e) using UBS software to record cash purchases
f) labelling past records of transactions
I'm getting used to these tasks as fast as I can as I can feel that more is coming my way based on the stacking files in office. Haha ...
For d past 5 days, I've been to 5 different shops to makan.....wonder where i will go on Monday next week .....(any suggestions, guys ?)
Its kinda nice to know that many of my frenz in IT too have been making positive progress in terms of learning new things. I do hope v could all share what we learn in TRIM 2 ...till then, do keep in touch everyone ....gambateh all ....cya

Friday, May 29, 2009

Days After Exam (Few days b4 Delta 09/10 )

It was a fun-filled & so relaxing strings of outings 4 me .....well, my day (thursday : 28/5/09) started off with a late wake-up at around 9am (& i juz found out dat it was considered early d)....haha
Oh yes, it started off wit me and my fren going out 2 get some ticket coupons 4 car park (so anxiously preparing 4 my industrial training ....really dunno wat its like suspens). It caused me big bucks (imagine RM 84 for a month) hmmm.
Next , we had tea wit 2 of our mates at Red Island Cafe (i hope i got it right). A steady chit-chat till 4.10pm b4 one of my fren had 2 clear up his stuffs 2 head back 2 hometown.
At night, wit another group of frenz, I enjoyed a bizzarre experience of consuming steamboat. I dunno how 2 describe that but its juz weird. D steamboat was naturally ok in terms of its chicken soup and its fresh prawn but lack the atmosphere 4 an enjoyable meal. Guessed it was to stuffy and hot. Anyway, i enjoyed that meal as it was d first time i hang out with this group of frenz.
Later on, wit lots energy in us, we decided 2 belt out songs via the favourite spot of entertainment of MMU students (i guessed its too common 2 b mentioned). I was impressed really by the vocals of my frenz (really.. they were good...haha). Though i was lost at words when it came 2 chinese songs, but i enjoyed listening to them and treated them like a series of short dramas instead...haha....

D next day was rather enjoyable. Had 'dim sum' (dumplings) 4 breakfast wit 3 of my mates. For d first time, I gotta admit its nice (probably was too hungry d). We chit-chatted 4 about an hour over some chinese tea.
There was a lot of exchanges of experience & we had our share of laughs.

Well, d pinnacle of my strings of fun was a movie sreening of 'Terminator Salvation' which tells of a tale where the brains of the machine clashes wit d wits of humanity (d best among all the Terminator movies i'd watched). It was a nice experience (pssstt...first time i watch at MBO....) hahaha

I actually wished that days like this can continue daily but i guessed time muz move on huh ....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

GAMA trim 3 @ MMU

Its been a while since i last scribble here ....kinda lost touch on how to write ..haha....
anyway, jz thought i spend some time to pen my thoughts down .....
>>> can't believed i'd actually completed 2 years of study in MMU (b4 here...i nvr would hav imagine that i would had ended up here ...haha....)... time really passed by so swiftly.... 2 years ago i was so 'fresh and green' but now ...haha ...i'm so absorbed into my life as a student .....(means neglect my sleep .... can tell by my size huh ..haha) ....

well, of all d trims i experienced , indeed so far this was d most testing one....a lot of activities throughout d 14 weeks of study and until now still, i'm feeling d rush (no so much thought atm)...... perhaps, i'm juz 2 anxious bout' my Industrial training soon ....(wonder what it's like) .....

Assignments were a major source of headache as together wit my mates, we quarrelled and discussed incessantly over weeks to come to complete them....
yeah, no doubt we learnt a lot but i had wished that we didn't had to put only angry faces then ......come to think of it seemed rather childish now ...haha

Some time has past since the IBF event (d most challenging one so far i encountered), yet at times i can't help to reminisce it ...though it ate up a very huge bulk of my time then, yet i seemed 2 enjoyed it in a way....i was rather fond of it.....(d strenouos efforts labored into it seemed worthwhile) .... here, i met most of my coursemates better, many whom now become close and dear friends to me .... if not for it, we would not hav bond so close (hugs ....haha....) ....anyway, its an event to be remembered as we would not be having anymore events in d future d.....

As time seemed to flow on, i came 2 realise that life in uni isn't jz about books and lectures ...... (very silly of me huh ....but that's how i used to think) .... yet now with only a year left in uni, i try my best to make d best out of it..... this particular trimester alone, has tested my patience and my friendships 2 a level i nvr thought would be least not in uni.....yet at times when one angers me, there would be others to console me ..... thank you to these ppl ....

Juz 3 more papers to go ..... I pray and hope all my plans will be successful ....oso looking forward to spend some quality time wit frenz b4 d industrial training season begins .....cya

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

3rd IBF Day (huh...... got me ?)

V felt that 2days were not enuf .....thus, oh well better let these pix speak 4 themselves ....haha.....

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dawn of IBF & Inv Duo-Event 08/09

Ok .... mb d way i wrote sounds a little far-fetched .... but nonetheless, dis is how i experienced & felt about it ....i oso won't denied that besides d exhibition, d conference & bazaar were both let-downs (sigh) .... but i'm proud that v hav done our best in such a short time ....

Day One :

Juz a day earlier (actually 5.20am on d same day - friday), i went home late after all d students cleared up their stuffs ...after a cup of nice & chilling Coke ..i headed home for a 2 hour nap....thank God, later on, my High-com called me ..... i woke up at 7.30am ....oh shit ...luckily, no one knew till now....

Well, it a was day to begin with. When i reached DP' conference room, it was alredi abuzzed with students moving like ants, decorating their booths to their hearts content (after all, we were to be marked accordingly) ... we put up d final touches to the backdrop and such .... rearranged chairs, prepared the place, etc .....

Let's detour a while k................................(will get back to sequence later)
Allow me this chance to thank Kim Thor for his tireless effort to arrange the 'makan' & 'minum' session for d day. Without him, d event wouldn't b as smooth as it was... thx again Thor ....

Also to Johnson and his team, i owe u guys a huge appreciation for ur awesome effort into this event .....thx a ....

Thx oso 2 d investment ppl, especially to Mr. Rick Wong (a very gentle person ...haha... sry a if it seems like v bully u) .... thx a for ur support .....and oso allow me dis opportunity 2 apologize on behalf of us IBF students coz i noe v kinda let u down a little ...sry a bos ....

Now 2 my own boss, Vince .... i noe at times i may get on ur nerves as much as u get on mine .... i hope v will let it pass by us k in d spirit of comradeship k .... thx a lot for ur undivided support ....

To Gan Wei Loon, thx for ur support in helping us to communicate with d ppl of DP .....very much appreciate it ....

To Sing Yien & team, congrats on ur performance as d energetic coordinator of d game 'The Opportunist' ..... I amazed at ur coolness in handling it ....

To our resourceful emcees of d day, Mr Ali & Miss Amy, bravo & well done for ur effort to lighten the mood up ......

To those who accompanied me on our little 'secret' advertizing team .... i really appreciate u guys willing enuf to follow me to do promo although u guys could actually spend time at d conference ....

To Dae Ren, Mervyn & Cedric....thx for ur help in handling d food catering for us ...

To anyone else whom I'd missed out, i foremostly apologize ......but bear in mind, on behalf of IBF committee, v will always acknowledge what u guys hav done k .... thx again ....(oh my.... dunno how many times ad i hav say thx)

Back to our sequence for IBF conference......................
V commenced d event wit d marching in of both high-com ..... quite a 'happening' entrance wit d kompang sounds serenading d conference hall ....oh my ....long time d no hav such an entrance (last time was in secondary school....ahhh d gud old day ya) ......
D event kicked off wit the emcees introducing d the directors of both events to present their speeches ....quite 'emo' (hahaha....vince vince.... ) .... ahem.................
Mr Halim was next in line to deliver his keynote speech on the title of this event (too long 2 write here ....well ....i guessed u guys noe it anyway) .... anyway, shortly after that, d video and drama presentation went on, but shit our dismay, d sunlight was gleaming like blazes (well, u get my point) was too bright to show any projections ...sigh

Oh well, we moved onto d exhibitions was a crowd favourite ....everyone enjoyed it (i hav proof to display that....haha) .... each group had prepared many activities as well as explanation to deliver to the public.... at a time, it looked like it was a market place (so noisy) ....

After that, v moved onto many other things .....replay of videos, etc....v spent our time chit chatting ... chased each other around (haha...luckily no lecturer ....) ..... lol .... after 8pm onwards was fun time to d closing time at around 10pm .... after packing up all the remaining food ...clear this & that ....all of us went home at around 10.30pm ....was really tired that day .....

Day 2 :
Due to d PA system being dismantled after d first day, many members resorted to getting their very own sound system via speakers + laptops ....walao (like this oso can) .....
D 2nd day was a heck of a rush ....i could c temper flaring here & there .... just like geysers all over the place wit steaming vapour gushing high into d air .....luckily everyone acted professionally ....though i received numerous complains bout' ppl not doin' their part; i guessed dis is part & parcel of every event ..... its INSEPARABLE ....... but let's not harp upon this issue anymore.... to those who hav worked hard for this event, u noe who u r ....thx
At around 8.05pm, v had our closing ceremony at d bazaar ......der were numerous dances and singings by MMU's very own music club of sorts ..... thx guys .... cool performance der .....
Later on, our chubby director (IBF) exchange hugs wit d down-to-earth Inv Director after they both had delivered their 'emo' speeches ....oh man ....later on, there were dances on d stage by our 'very excited crew members' .....well, well, well, ....guessed what ....they decided that i was a bouncy ball; thus, up and down i went ....(5x) ...thx ah wei loons (i will always rmb that) ...after that , v cleared all d stuffs in d conference hall, tore down many items v put up, threw garbages away, etc..
Next, was a memorable 'sayounara' ..i could not have pictured a better scene than that day among all d event i attended.....

"V came as individuals (IBF & Investment students) but v left as friends"........that was our biggest achievement despite all d minor setbacks ..... i supposed der was some goodness 2 dis event after all .... most of us got closer 2 knowing each other better ....v had our share of fun (some had fun non-stop ....haha) .... To me, this event will always remind me of how things can go so badly initially and how it can turn around, bringing so much goodness around .... thx guys .......p/s: I will pass my share of photos around ....could those who hav photos that day share around theirs ....thx ...

Days leading to IBF 08/09...

Honestly, there were many hiccups in this particular event .... eg: largely is due to the terrifying amount of budget we had... it was another feat on how we actually carried out the double event consecutively (IBF conference cum exhibition and Investment bazaar) .... bravo to one and all.... this chapter of my blog is attributed to u guys who have contributed relentless efforts to see these events through despite our tight schedules ...thank you....

Ahh .... i could still capture the situations that occurred exactly a week ago (today is monday, 4th May) ... well, just a little more than a week ago, we got the green light to proceed with this event in DP .... it was hard to get a yes from our lecturer but our determination did paid off....

Commencing from last tuesday onwards, i can say that i'm impressed.... judging by the way the members perform this week .... i was not even sure if i was in the right class at all .... seeing how they did discussion till late nights ..... observing them paint numerous work arts .... entailing the promo group to distribute flyers (haha .... i was almost chased by a dog ....lucky me) .....amazed by the creativity of each participating exhibition group..... the awesome drama presentation ( bravo to Soo Yi) my energetic leader ( i take this honour to apologize if i had irate o offend u at times ...but bear in mind ... i did all that for d event k hard feelings ...congrats ) .....

Cheers to Deco Division

Motivating sight (PnE Div)

On tuesday night (3 days before the dawn of IBF0809), we had a dual consecutive meeting with Deco division & also the PnE division at Src .... both meetings happened to be at the same time (lucky me need run around ...haha) .... The Deco ppl did their part dedicatedly ... it really boosted up my esteem to go forward with more enthusiasm for this event ( thx to Kim Leng and members ).... and the PnE ppl ...they too did their marvel (juggling with so many activities to be organized .... thx Joyce and team) .....

I won't forget d other divisions too .... to Promo division, thank you (sincerely i know d amount of effort u guys poured into this event - even up all d way to Cheras .... Johnson, i really respect u ) T&Log division....appreciations to Wisely in leading his team to help out in the event flow ..... to Goh Wei Loon, thx for taking up time to design such an attractive website for us ...... if i left out anyone , plz tell me ... i will update it ........

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thu, April 16 2009 : Another day of Rush rush

Like d title mentioned, it was another day of rushing schedule 4 me... was tired actually but didn't hav much choice.... was kinda worried actually dat my assignments were delayed very much due 2 d event i'm doing (alamak ....dunno can 'gao tim' dem o not in time) ....
Luckily 2day decided 2 go 2 class .... didn't noe lec (BME) actually did a quiz... haha.... if not, der goes my 5 marks 4 nth....met wit some hiccups in IBF event when v didn't get d approval v initially thought i could obtained (2 bad a)... well, no choice, event still muz move on.....(sincerely, still worry a bit ....hey...dis is supposed CEO punya kerja le) .......
Later, 2 frens of mine accompanied me 2 MBMB (i hope i spelt dat correctly) 2 pursue some sponsorship issues 4 d t-shirts of d event .......... haha..... not 100% satisified but at least, my proposal was taken in & given consideration (keeping my fingers crossed dat this will work 2 my expectations) .... IBF meeting later on was blunder (sincerely, there was lack of cohesion among members 2 my dismay ....y la ppl ....) ...attendence was at a mere 45% only .... haha sigh........
Again in d evening, 4 d event once more, der was a recording session of 'drama' by the P&E division 2 capture some scenes 'involving some protesters' and some other minor parts ..... amazed at response (well done) .... was so tired dat i fell into a cozy slumber of 4 hours later on only 2 wake up 2 blog dis ....hahaha..... anyhow, my opinions bout' 2day? ..............>>> A DAY FULL OF CHALLENGES

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Treats After A Long-Day's Effort

Well, for the past 2 weeks, I've been into d sponsorhip drive from collecting sponsor donations to selling goat milk (mek!!!) to selling biscuit.... all 4 d sake of our dearest event.... I wouldn't call what v (my CEO & I) did leading our team 4 d event a great pride but at least, its safe 2 say v did our best 2 make things work. I won't 4get 2 acknowledge those who had toiled wit us all of this while from day one to this point of time (bravo) .... its our dream 2 c dis event become our success (d website is ad up ders no turning back from this point on) .... i do hope everyone will continue 2 hav same o even better motivation as us ..... Towards IBF 08/09 .....

Really ...haha ....
tuesday 14th was a really
exhausting day 4 me ....
other days were similiar but this day was unique ..... on this very day, i felt frustration, success, trust and denial at d same time ....complex huh ..... i oso feel this way ....anyway ..... to top it all up, i decided 2 actually follow my family 2 go shopping 4 toys .....huh ? TOYS .... yea, toys ..... funny huh .... juz when we're about 2 leave d shopping area, dey wanted 2 dine in at MB der v went .....satiated I were ....haha.... p/s : not bad a d food here ... wat a thing 2 do 2 wrap up d day .....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

11th April ... Days of Reminiscence

Imagine i woke up, then sleep, then woke again, drowsy but still on my books..... in d day i'll hav 2 mid-terms 2 experience ... haha.... dozed off n on, strangely, BME n BRM... well, i juz dun noe .... strange strange only ...

I got myself 3 students 2mr 2 tutor .... i kinda rusty at English, given d fact no one has sparred wit me over d last 3 years ....oh man .... do wish der is one in MMU dat can help me train .... kinda miss d olden days, where i'd d chance 2 bombard my classmates who in turn lambasted me back.... do enjoy those days ....was funny though..... v actually fought over d use of English back in secondary school....juz 2 prove who was d best among us 3 (u noe who u r .....haha) ....

Reminiscence..... taking a step back into time .... i recalled d time i was elected a head librarian in primary school ....i was not a trained librarian yet...having been one juz bout' 4 months .... my peers were so envious of me ....thx God they finally accepted me .... i remembered i was such a rigid person dat i never once skipped my duties even if i'd 2 go hungry .... there was a time though, only once haha.... i actually complotted wit my deputy 2 skip duty .....n hahaha...guessed wat ? ....i met wit my advisor on d way 2 d field .... well, i deserve dat lecture of some 20 minutes ... time came 2 pass very fast since then .... and very soon UPSR came knocking at my doors ..... i was so enthusiastics 2 face it dat i toiled much much more efforts than my current self.... if only now i can be like i was then ....haha....things would not b d same .... oh well, wat 2 do .... haha

(to b continued)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reflections ......Once Upon Varied Experiences (9th April)

I was wondering actually how i could still find time to pen this down here... haha... i was actually kinda bz today (actually 4 d past 3 days ---> non-stop sponsorship drive selling goat products 2 raise funds 4 an event) ... who would hav imagine me running here & der like a crazy guy... but i'm very grateful i've a group tat has begun to 2 understand the intrinsic values of my group (sincerely thx a guys 4 d efforts & understanding) ... i've learnt a lot through dis event i'm doing -----> i saw so many kinds of ppl .... didn't realised dat dis ppl still exist here in uni .... i thought only in schools ......ppl who think of themselves only .....sigh .... but still der r sum who has labored a lot for this IBF event .... bravo ppl .... let's c how things go on from here on .............................

I felt strange yesterday ...sort of a feeling of remiscence when i first started my life in MMU.... i was putting up in a hostel .....i could still taste the mixed feelings of anxiousness, afraid, new and others .... yeah, at dat time i hardly knew any souls in MMU .... haha....funny huh, considering my background ....... i was very like a fish-out-of-water at dat time.... but as time passes by ..... dat feelings wash away when new faces appear in my life.... sweet memories .... lol ... i definitely will rmb a few songs dat really impacted me ..... haha....actually anime theme songs ; Tsubasa Chronicles: Blaze, Digimon's Fire & my all-time favourite Kyou Kara Mara's Arigatou & Hateshinaku tooi sora ni ..... these songs actually helped to wake me up every morning lame is dat ....kinda miss d life in hostel though ... haha

Lol ... i wana write longer today but time says no tis time .... mb after sat nite ....after my exams .... till then ......................

Monday, March 30, 2009

What is it wit birthdays ???

Sunday (29th March 2009) ..... another surprise ..... tis month is so wierd ... not dat i'm complaining of having too few birthdays 2 celebrate 4 ppl .... but haha.... actually kinda of starting to like dis idea d... thx a for d gift .... guessed for who dis time ?? ..... hahahaha.... yeah, another belated birthday 4 me .... 3rd consecutive year .....thx a lot to my aunty ... glad 2 know she still rmb my meaningful day .... haha .... look at tat bear bear .... i think i got one ever since 2 years ago .... my bear family collection adds a new member each year .... nice nice ....haha ....

Yet .... Another Birthday Bash

Lol ... looks like another birthday event dat i attended dis month alone ... popular month huh ...
anyway .... its my grandma's birthday .... i was amazed at d choice of restaurant really (japanese food ??? really ma ... ) ... all i can say bout' d food is tat d fried dishes in front of me were nice ...d rest was like 'so so' only offence 2 d restaurant ... really enjoy tat gathering .... its been a while though since v last sat down like tat....everyone bz bz .... haha....looking 4ward 2 more gatherings like this ....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

(sad) ... my 'little companion' ....

Today, my 'little companion' got a bruise when i accidentally dropped him (actually, he slipped out of my hp pouch) ...sigh ... he gt a mark der (see pix) .... i was so careful ...tapi ....alamak ... still can happen like this ...... p/s: i write here coz my hp has serve me very well regrets on that
Medical Chit
Scene : Outside Dataran Pahlawan
Time : 11.50am++
Atmosphere: Hot & Sticky
Purpose : On IBF 'mission'
Injury : Heartache(me) .... Bruises je(little companion)
Doc's Advice : B xtra careful next time ....

21st B.Day .... another one in March

Now, who would hav thought a.... d most unlikely ppl who pair up 2 throw dis impromptu birthday 'bash'(15th March) for our fren here .... (soo yi) ... hope u dun mind a, juz a small makan(steamboating at a steaming buddy again let me hav d sitting position where d steam from the pot is blown to...thx ah bro ....haha ... i sure ingat de) and of course, lots of 'talented ppl' 2 sing 4 u (kat mana lagi if not at ahem....common place 4 mmu students)... last time my 21st oso nobody sing sing de ... hahaha... a cool lot, dat i cant deny(willing enuf 2 spend time here when in a day's time we'll b having FSA test)... anyway, wish u all d best in all ur undertakings a... p/s: hope u ad lupakan hal lama2 k only got time 2 pen this ..... busy o

Happy 20th Birthday ...

Hmmm.... it's been a while since i last wrote here... anyway, on fri last week, i had dis rare opportunity 2 celebrate a birthday event 4 my nephew ... luckily, i didn't miss it .... enjoyed it .... Happy Birthday again k ...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Excursion To MITC.....

well, today some 7 of us IBF high-committee took d effort of finding a venue for our event .... aptly named IBF08/09 (d ori name is 'out-of-this-world') .... interesting enough v were enjoying ourselves all d way der .....kinda of a matched group ... v were plying tricks on each other & poking fun out of nth .... hahaha.... interesting, very ....... oh yeah....back to biz, v actually went der to measure d sizes, availability & prices ..... hahaha (jujur a , v were amazed ....really) .... anyway, once v finished our biz der, we went back to report to our boss (lecturer) .... its a new experience 4 me as i'd not done a survey like this b4 in a group such as this .... really committed ppl .... my highest respect 4 their dedication .....

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another BASH ..... thx a

Once again i'll say thanks 2 d gang 4 their efforts 2 make my day (13/2/09) more cheerful..... I was astounded dat they actually rmb my 'big' day..... They treated me to a gathering where v had laughs over lunch .....hahaha....once again thank you to Jacob and d gang ....... thanks a .....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Undeniably meaningful

Sincerely, I didn't thought my peers from university will remember my 'big' day this year as v were very busy wit our events and subjects. Special thanks to Shi Mid, Nic and Kim Leng for their effort to make this day (nite of 12/2/09) a meaningful one for me .... thx ya ... well, my day started off with Nic telling 'little' white lies to get me agreeing to the party he and his crew planned. Hahaha .... his 'actions' amused me well enuf dat i decided to play along wit him (acting like i didn't know or heard anything) and he actually fell for it ..... muahaha...

It was a pretty bz afternoon for me as I was granted a higher position in d event dat i was doing. Things went on smoothly dat day ..... with an unexpected visitation by a fren of mine during dinner..... we had our meals .... some were seen 'gobbling' down their food .....while i was 'tormented' by the un-delicious 'miso ramen' (hopefully i spelt correctly) ...... later on, my friends sang like frogs (indeed i was terharu wit their actions) .....

After makan @ Amigo, v left to do some quality time at the lattern area beside the muzium .... v had a swell time dat nite......i was satiated not by food, but by the efforts my friends have done 4 me...... Thx u all ....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

'CNY Tour 2009' - ACS style

Rays of sunlight illuminates this blessed morning. Ah, just the right weather to for some 'visitings' @ CNY 2009. Been hoping to do it very long time already... and now, comes the chance ...

I woke up at an unusual 8.30am at the incessant ringings of my beloved HP. Lazily(dunno if this word exists oso....hahaha), I forced myself to the bathroom and eventually got prepared for my 'mission'.........
Well, I left home at 9a.m. with a friend (DS) while being led by another carload of pals. Kinda weird though. I was a little shock when my classmate told me that we were shooting off to Masjid Tanah. But nonetheless, I followed along ... we had a very diverse chat in my car all the way to MT. Interesting to know the many progresses of my friends after so many months apart. The path to MT was very 'snakey' (pardon my language k ... i'm void of words at the moment ... sigh) and given the fact that my 'faster-than-turtle' driving speed, it was natural that I was left behind often. Hehehe, luckily my classmate was with me to direct the journey.
Around 10++ am, we reached our distant friend's home. We were lost at first, having being misled by some 'naughty' friends. We were tricked and left behind by our mischiveous classmates somewhere near to our destination. They sped off, leaving the 2 of us alone. How bad .... arghhhh .... and with justice done to us, we reached our destination by another route by luck. Hahaha... And what happens next? I found out that our friend (PLH) was still tucked away in bed... wah... can sleep so long... When all of our other friends reached our spot, our numbers were considerably 'intimidating' to our host (so many ang pows = a hole in the pocket). Later on, many more friends came and joined our fold.
We later journeyed on for each of our friends' houses ... one by one... to pay homage of sorts... Silly me... I can't recalled the locations of each homes as I sucked badly in geography. Imagine a life-long Malaccan like me who still is groping to remember the names of certain locations. We visited an average of 10 houses that day......before converging in my humble home where we had a birthday cake for our most quietest (if this word ever existed .... ???) boy in our class. I was glad we managed to do so even though our schedules were so packed. Happy birthday friend.
Later on, we headed to Ujong Pasir to visit our former teacher to pay homage to him. He was touched at the sight of so many ex-students who still remembered his services to the education field and to the social growth of school students. Indeed, this was and is still the honourable ACS tradition.
Words can't simply express the scenario that day. We laughed like old times when we pulled pranks on each other. We were entertained when some of our friends ridiculed another classmate in a battle of dialouges. I can easily summarized that we looked forward to such gatherings in the future ................ Happy CNY 2009 everyone ....
